Where Are They Now? On The Red Carpet, Actually.

You met Holli Harrison, (Soprano) and former client on November 9, 2015, as I interviewed her for an exclusive KSW blog piece. Need an update? Click here: http://www.klayswilliams.com/ksw/2015/11/9/success-story-mondays-i-would-not-have-been-given-a-gift-if-i-werent-meant-to-use-it

Coasting through the never ending surprises of life - both good and somewhat challenging - Holli found her self in a space of severe uncertainty - not only within her purpose, but also a need to realign and understand in a new way, how to engage her talents/gifts. Ever been there, before? I have.  

Life has a very strong and fierce ability to not only give us immense gifts, but equal mechanisms to test these elaborate talents. Some have called it the gauntlet. Some, simply say: "life being life is what I'm experiencing", while others have found these deep spaces of testing as:

A moment to rise in power. 

With such great loss and devastation, Holli had "the moment of all life moments" as we have called it, with unmeasurable loss. She later would discover a new level of grace, peace and divine wisdom that no one could take away from her - not only as a result of giving herself permission to grieve, but also because she did the work necessary to help heal, restore and repurpose her path/dreams:  

“After this massive life shift, I started to question my purpose and wondered, ‘how is my singing remotely beneficial to this planet?’ Klay was able to help me uncover that I would not have been given a gift if I weren’t meant to use it. It felt so irrelevant in the grand scheme of what was happening in the world. But, I discovered that it’s ultimately about using your gift to light someone’s dark corner, even for just a moment.

And I needed to be reminded of that and the people that left me would be heartbroken if I had let their journey/past...transition into a different place cause me to give up on what I had worked so hard for and towards.”

Today, her voice (in all forms) have become stronger. Recently concluding Cyrano de Bergerac at The Metropolitan Opera, Holli reminds us that we all have a choice...a decision...and more importantly, a responsibility to rise to the highest form of our individual self-expression.  

And, when we respond in kind, it'll never be a frantic attempt to try and prepare, but a grounding foundation that consistently remains, red carpet ready.   

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